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The New User Interface

The Green-GO Control has been reworked with the focus of better usability and accessibility to your configuration and devices. Additionally, we've included the functionality of multiple previous software into one, removing the need to switch between software applications for specific tasks.

The new software allows for complete offline and online access to a system's configuration. Now you can create system configurations with up to 3000 users, 400 groups, and 400 rooms and manage or monitor them from multiple computers on your local network simultaneously.

The new drag and drop functionality, transparent templates, and much more make configuration quicker and easier than ever before. More options and settings in many places make the system more flexible and more straightforward to configure.

All devices can now be preconfigured entirely offline with user-assigned device profiles and live device previews, giving you complete control over your system. All settings for users, channels, groups, devices, security, etc., can be either predefined during pre-production or adjusted in real-time.

New configurable dashboards with powerful features like filtering, device previews, and real-time signal levels enable good system monitoring and quick analysis.

Tip: These are only the highlights we thought were worth mentioning here. Please check the changelog to get a full overview of what has been changed and added.

Software panes

The new user interface features six main elements: The application views and menus, the config tree, the navigation bar, the main window, and lastly, the status bar.


Application views

The software has four dedicated application views, each providing quick access to vital configuration or management tasks:

Application Views

The dashboard is configurable and allows for easy and quick system monitoring and analysis.
The config view gives access to the system's general configuration. Here, the user can configure things like the configuration name, colors, and more.
The connection view provides access and overview over devices and computers on the network. Here, the user can adopt devices or join other configurations found on the network.
The wireless view allows you to set up and manage wireless connections in your system.

Application menus

The application menus hold general tools for application and configuration management.

Application Menus

Save to devices
This function sends the complete configuration as binary to all connected devices. This makes the configuration reboot-save and allows devices to work reliably without any software instance connected.
Setup wizards
Here, all setup wizards of Green-Go 5 can be found. Quickly configure or create specific parts of the system.
Support connection
This function allows a temporary support connection over the internet, mirroring the system's configuration and giving full access to the remote supporter.
File menu
This menu holds all relevant functions to handle and manage your configuration files.
Application settings
This menu gives access to the global application settings.
This function opens the interactive manual in a separate window.

Config tree

Config Tree Overview

The config tree provides a structured overview and access to the configuration file currently loaded.

All important elements (e.g., Users, Devices, and more) of a configuration file are directly accessible and editable via the main features of the config tree.

Every main element of the config tree provides access to an overview of the respective configuration elements. Every configured child is either available in the mentioned overview or directly in the expanded tree element.

Tree elements holding children will feature a chevron that expands the category. An expanded element can be collapsed again by clicking the chevron.

Children in an expanded tree element will function as a drag and drop source but not as a target.

The available tree elements and their respective description can be found below:

This tree element gives access to all user-relevant configurations like the channel configuration, users settings, and device profiles.
This tree element gives access to all settings relevant to group configurations. Groups are like party-lines, where many users can talk and listen simultaneously.
This tree element gives access to all settings relevant to room configurations. Rooms allow for logical grouping and advanced audio functions for devices located in the same physical space.
This tree element shows all devices that are a member of this config. Devices need to be adopted to be shown in this tree element.
This tree element gives access to all stored templates. Templates allow you to store user or device settings cards to re-use for other users or devices.
This tree element allows to create and manage Gree-GO 5 scripts that can be executed on a device to customize its behavior or function.

Tree-nav Tip: The icons on top of the config tree will indicate which tree items are collapsed or expanded. Clicking one of the icons will expand the respective section and collapse all others.

Clicking the search icon will bring up a text box which can be used to filter all tree items with the given text string: E.g., typing stage into the search field will display the Users "StageManager", "Stage left", the Groups "Stage", and the Room "Backstage". Clicking the active X will clear the filter.

Navigation Bar

The navigation bar is always linked to the content displayed in the main window of the application. It features the name of the current entity or view selected, and according to your selection, provides access to more settings and options via a selection of tabs.

Navigation Bar: Buttons

The right side of the navigation bar features buttons to either edit, add, clone, or delete items - always depending on the context. Using the buttons, it's possible to execute bulk configuration edits on all selected items in an overview of any kind.

Main window

The main window displays its content depending on the selected item or view and gives an overview of live parameters, statuses, and settings.

Status bar

Config Tree Overview

Config Tree Overview



macOS hotkeys Windows hotkeys Function
Cmd+N Ctrl+N Create a new file
Cmd+Shift+N Ctrl+Shift+N Start the quickstart wizard
Cmd+O Ctrl+O Open a file
Cmd+S Ctrl+S Save your file
Cmd+Shift+S Ctrl+Shift+S Save your file as ...
Cmd+D Ctrl+D Save configuration to devices
Cmd+M Ctrl+M Merge configuration files
Cmd+X Ctrl+X Cut
Cmd+C Ctrl+C Copy
Cmd+V Ctrl+V Paste
Cmd+Q Ctrl+Q Quit the application


macOS hotkeys Windows hotkeys Function
Cmd+U Ctrl+U Start the add user wizard
Cmd+G Ctrl+G Start the add group wizard
Cmd+R Ctrl+R Start the add room wizard
Cmd+T Ctrl+T Start the add template wizard
Cmd+Z Ctrl+Z Undo last change
Cmd+Shift+Z Ctrl+Shift+Z Redo last reversed change
Cmd+Y Ctrl+Y Redo last reversed change


macOS hotkeys Windows hotkeys Function
Cmd+F Ctrl+F Activate the configuration search
Cmd+Shift+H Ctrl+Shift+H Hide or minimize the application
Cmd+Shift+F Ctrl+Shift+F Make the application fullscreen


macOS hotkeys Windows hotkeys Function
Cmd+L Ctrl+L Lock or unlock the application


macOS hotkeys Windows hotkeys Function
Cmd+H Ctrl+H Open the Green-GO systems documentation